Resources Learn how ICMM is promoting leading environmental and social practices to encourage better industry performance. Role of Mining in National Economies: Mining Contribution Index (6th Edition) This edition of ICMM's 'Mining Contribution Index' synthesises into a single number the significance of the mining sector’s contribution to national economies. Research & briefings 13-Dec-2022 Metals and Minerals Are at the Heart of a Circular Economy In mining, for materials to be truly circular, operations must have a net positive contribution to people and planet, promoting responsible use and recovery of metals in the wider value chain. Case Studies 29-Nov-2022 Collaboration for Innovation: Accelerating the Implementation of Zero Emission Vehicles for the Mining and Metals Industry Diesel-powered mining vehicles account for anywhere from 30-80 per cent of direct emissions at a mine site, depending on the site geography and commodity being mined. Case Studies 14-Nov-2022 Tailings Reduction Roadmap The 'Roadmap' provides strategic directions on how to accelerate the development and adoption of technologies capable of reducing tailings production. Guidance & toolkits 22-Sept-2022 International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples: Six ways the mining industry is celebrating Indigenous Peoples For International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples we are celebrating Indigenous Peoples and the building of relationships based on respect writes Danielle Martin, Director – Social Performance. Comment & analysis Case Studies 9-Aug-2022 Safety Performance: Benchmarking Progress of ICMM Company Members in 2021 ICMM is committed to strengthening health and safety performance to reduce operational fatalities to zero. As part of this commitment, ICMM produces an annual safety data report. Research & briefings 28-Jul-2022 Mining Principles: Performance Expectations ICMM’s Mining Principles define good practice environmental, social and governance requirements for the mining and metals industry. Organisational communications 15-Jun-2022 Six ways ICMM members are pioneering environmental good practice As we journey through the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, World Environment Day is an important reminder of how critical healthy ecosystems are for nature to thrive. Comment & analysis Case Studies 5-Jun-2022 Social and Economic Reporting: Framework and Guidance Providing a foundation for consistent reporting on a company’s contribution to social and economic development. Organisational communications Guidance & toolkits 9-May-2022 An Inclusive Growth Approach to Promote Community Resilience An inclusive growth approach encourages mining companies to re-imagine systems, rethink partnerships, unlock capital from under-leveraged sources and unite partners around common objectives. Research & briefings 25-Apr-2022 Tools for Social Performance These tools support a greater understanding of what social performance is and the enablers required within organisations to deliver good, consistent social performance. Guidance & toolkits 1-Mar-2022 An Approach to Contractor Engagement Encourages a move from ‘service providers’ to a ‘delivery partner’ model for contractor management. Research & briefings 25-Feb-2022 Considerations for the Adoption of Real-Time Particulate Monitoring Provides a high-level overview of the considerations for the adoption of real-time particulate monitoring (RTPM) in the mining and metals industry. Research & briefings 25-Feb-2022 Adapting the ICMM Tailings Management Good Practice Guide into Training Materials Training materials to build capacity and raise awareness of why tailings management is so important, and to illustrate what good governance and engineering practices look like Guidance & toolkits 15-Feb-2022 Transparency of Mineral Revenues: Position Statement Promoting revenue transparency to enhance governance, combat corruption and foster sustainable growth. Organisational communications 9-Dec-2021 ICMM Members’ Tax Contribution Report: 2020 Update Detailing the tax and royalties paid by ICMM members over the last eight years. Research & briefings 9-Dec-2021 External Drivers Shaping the Future of the Mining Industry and Implications for Skills and Community Resilience Critical external drivers that are outside the industry’s control will affect community resilience and shape how mining operations are developed and managed. Research & briefings 7-Dec-2021 Mining with principles at Boliden's Aitik mine in Sweden See how Boliden is using trolley assist technology at its Aitik copper mine in Sweden, as a step towards its vision of fossil fuel-free operations. Case Studies 4-Nov-2021 Renewable energy in the South American mining and metals industry As renewable energy becomes more and more accessible, ICMM members are making significant efforts to power their mines with green energy. Case Studies 28-Oct-2021 Mining with principles by restoring degraded areas of the Carajás National Forest in Brazil ICMM member Vale is restoring degraded areas of the Carajás National Forest and its surrounding areas to re-establish connections between fragments and protect endangered species. Case Studies 10-Oct-2021 < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 >