Resources Learn how ICMM is promoting leading environmental and social practices to encourage better industry performance. Nature: Position Statement Nature loss is a critical global challenge, placing the survival, health, wellbeing and livelihoods of people, ecosystems, and our global economy at significant risk. Organisational communications 17-Jan-2024 Scope 3 Emissions Target Setting Guidance Acknowledging the inherent differences in commodities and value chains, rather than endorsing a specific methodology, this Guidance provides flexibility for companies to set credible targets based on their unique value chains. Guidance & toolkits 13-Dec-2023 Understanding Perceptions of Mining: Insights from general public respondents GlobeScan’s online Radar survey on business and society was conducted across markets in 2023, with customised questions asked in 17 markets focusing on what respondents thought of mining in general. Research & briefings 12-Dec-2023 Insights from ICMM’s Innovation for Cleaner, Safer Vehicles (ICSV) initiative: Accelerating the Adoption of Zero-Emission Haul Trucks in the Mining and Metals Industry An overview of the importance, challenges, and opportunities of decarbonising surface mining equipment learned through ICMM’s ICSV initiative. Research & briefings 5-Dec-2023 Scope 3 Emissions Accounting and Reporting Guidance This Guidance provides a standardised framework for mining and metals companies to calculate and disclose their value chain emissions to improve transparency and accelerate collaborative action. Guidance & toolkits 1-Sept-2023 Collaboration for Innovation: Accelerating the Implementation of Zero Emission Vehicles for the Mining and Metals Industry Diesel-powered mining vehicles account for anywhere from 30-80 per cent of direct emissions at a mine site, depending on the site geography and commodity being mined. Case Studies 14-Nov-2022 Mining with principles at Boliden's Aitik mine in Sweden See how Boliden is using trolley assist technology at its Aitik copper mine in Sweden, as a step towards its vision of fossil fuel-free operations. Case Studies 4-Nov-2021 Renewable energy in the South American mining and metals industry As renewable energy becomes more and more accessible, ICMM members are making significant efforts to power their mines with green energy. Case Studies 28-Oct-2021 Climate Change: Position Statement Responding to the need for an urgent global response to the threat of climate change, across all areas of society and the economy. Organisational communications 5-Oct-2021 Mining with principles at Codelco's El Teniente copper mine in Chile In the world’s largest copper underground mine Codelco is trialling an electric pick-up truck as part of its ambition to have all its underground operations running with electric equipment by 2030. Case Studies 17-Aug-2021 Mining with principles at Anglo American's Los Bronces copper mine Anglo American has launched a pilot photovoltaic plant, built over a tailings pond at its Los Bronces copper mine in Chile. Case Studies 15-Feb-2021 Mining with principles at Gold Fields' Granny Smith mine Gold Fields is lowering its carbon footprint with the completion of one of the world’s largest renewable energy microgrids at its Granny Smith gold mine in Western Australia. Case Studies 15-Feb-2021 Generating Low Carbon Renewable Energy on Closed Uranium Mine Sites Orano's conversion of former uranium mine sites for renewable energy generation is an excellent example of post closure land use. Case Studies 18-May-2020 Adapting to a Changing Climate: Building Resilience in the Mining and Metals Industry Provides an overview of how a changing climate may impact the sector and identifies ways companies can integrate climate considerations into risk management processes to build climate resilience. Guidance & toolkits 18-Nov-2019 Helping keep the earth green Desertification is responsible for around a third of all threats to biodiversity. This World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought (2018) we’re highlighting a few of the projects undertaken by members . Case Studies 15-Jun-2018 Climate change – meeting a critical global challenge Climate change is undoubtedly the biggest environmental challenge facing us all. We’re highlighting just a few of the many projects undertaken by ICMM members around the world. Case Studies 23-Aug-2017 Shared Water, Shared Responsibility, Shared Approach: Water in the Mining Sector Shares some of the practical challenges, successes and lessons learned from companies and local partners who have worked to tackle shared water risks and develop shared opportunities. Research & briefings 21-Mar-2017 Measurement, Reporting and Verification and the Mining and Metals Industry Analyses different mandatory and voluntary measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) regimes and outlines the different challenges the sector face in estimating GHG emissions. Guidance & toolkits 28-Nov-2011 Principles for Climate Change Policy Design An integrated set of seven principles to ensure the mining and metals industry plays its full part in contributing to sustainable development while remaining competitive in a low carbon economy. Guidance & toolkits 1-Jun-2011 Nature has all the best solutions The natural world is under threat. Species are being lost at 100-1000 times the historical rate with human activity and climate change the main drivers. As humans, when we consider how to begin to... Case Studies Content < 1 2 >