Resources Learn how ICMM is promoting leading environmental and social practices to encourage better industry performance. Safety Performance: Benchmarking Progress of ICMM Company Members in 2023 ICMM is committed to strengthening health and safety performance to reduce operational fatalities to zero. As part of this commitment, ICMM produces an annual safety data report. Research & briefings 30-Jul-2024 Understanding Perceptions of Mining: Insights from general public respondents GlobeScan’s online Radar survey on business and society was conducted across markets in 2023, with customised questions asked in 17 markets focusing on what respondents thought of mining in general. Research & briefings 12-Dec-2023 Insights from ICMM’s Innovation for Cleaner, Safer Vehicles (ICSV) initiative: Accelerating the Adoption of Zero-Emission Haul Trucks in the Mining and Metals Industry An overview of the importance, challenges, and opportunities of decarbonising surface mining equipment learned through ICMM’s ICSV initiative. Research & briefings 5-Dec-2023 Safety Performance: Benchmarking Progress of ICMM Company Members in 2022 ICMM is committed to strengthening health and safety performance to reduce operational fatalities to zero. As part of this commitment, ICMM produces an annual safety data report. Research & briefings 13-Jul-2023 Safety Performance: Benchmarking Progress of ICMM Company Members in 2021 ICMM is committed to strengthening health and safety performance to reduce operational fatalities to zero. As part of this commitment, ICMM produces an annual safety data report. Research & briefings 28-Jul-2022 An Approach to Contractor Engagement Encourages a move from ‘service providers’ to a ‘delivery partner’ model for contractor management. Research & briefings 25-Feb-2022 Health and Safety Performance Indicators: Guidance Lays out the recommended definitions and reporting boundaries for lagging health and safety used in ICMM’s safety performance reports. Guidance & toolkits 8-Jun-2021 Safety Performance: Benchmarking Progress of ICMM Company Members in 2020 ICMM is committed to strengthening health and safety performance to reduce operational fatalities to zero. As part of this commitment ICMM produces an annual safety data report. Research & briefings 8-Jun-2021 Innovation for Cleaner, Safer Vehicles case study: Glencore Coal Australia fatigue project This webinar provides an overview of Glencore Coal Australia’s fatigue project development, delivery and operation. And provides a look at their new Operator Awareness Monitoring Centre. Case Studies 21-Apr-2021 Understanding your vehicle interaction maturity and what you can do next Webinar with EMESRT for mining companies looking to undertake the next steps in their vehicle interaction control implementation journey. Case Studies 11-Feb-2021 Safety Data: Benchmarking Progress of ICMM Company Members in 2019 ICMM is committed to strengthening health and safety performance to reduce operational fatalities to zero. As part of this commitment ICMM produces an annual safety data report. Research & briefings 11-Jun-2020 Covid-19: Health and safety in mining The Covid-19 crisis has put extraordinary pressure on employers and businesses, while it is important to maintain fiscal resilience, this must not come at the cost of people’s health or wellbeing. Case Studies 10-Jun-2020 Covid-19: Support for governments By stretching and stressing the capacity of each country it touches, Covid-19 has the potential to create devastating social, economic and political crises that will have lasting repercussions. Case Studies 10-Jun-2020 Covid-19: Supporting local businesses The Covid-19 crisis has put extraordinary pressure on employers and private sector businesses to survive and continue to provide decent work. Case Studies 10-Jun-2020 Covid-19: Direct support for communities By stretching and stressing the capacity of each country it touches, Covid-19 has the potential to create devastating social, economic and political crises that will have lasting repercussions. Case Studies 10-Jun-2020 Covid-19: Support for Indigenous Peoples Company members are being pro-active in responding to the demands of Covid-19: moving fast and acting ethically to protect and care for employees and surrounding indigenous communities. Case Studies 10-Jun-2020 Fatality Prevention: Eight Lessons Learned No fatality is acceptable. This document articulates the collective discussions that have taken place on why the industry continues to have fatalities. Research & briefings 16-Sept-2019 Benchmarking Safety Data: Progress of ICMM Company Members in 2018 ICMM is committed to strengthening health and safety performance to reduce operational fatalities to zero. As part of this commitment ICMM produces an annual safety data report. Research & briefings 16-May-2019 Benchmarking Safety Data: Progress of ICMM Company Members (2017) ICMM is committed to strengthening health and safety performance to reduce operational fatalities to zero. As part of this commitment ICMM produces an annual safety data report. Research & briefings 28-May-2018 Malaria and mining – addressing a global health issue For World Malaria Day (2018), we look at why malaria is an issue of such concern, and at the steps our members are taking to make it history. Case Studies 2-May-2018 < 1 2 >