Cleaner and Safer Vehicles
New technologies are transforming the mining and metals industry, making it cleaner and safer.
ICMM’s Innovation for Cleaner, Safer Vehicles (ICSV) initiative brings our members together with many of the world's largest original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), in a non-competitive space, to accelerate the development of a new generation of mining vehicles and improve existing ones.
Issue at a Glance
- ICMM’s Innovation for Cleaner, Safer Vehicles initiative is a CEO-led initiative that brings together company members, original equipment manufacturers and technology suppliers in a non-competitive space to mobilise the investment needed to accelerate the development of a new generation of mining vehicles, while also creating opportunities for the improvement of existing technologies.
- Traditionally, diesel engines have powered the trucks, often the size and weight of small houses that carry hundreds of tonnes worth of ore across mine sites every day. These vehicles emit potentially harmful particulate matter and produce anywhere from 30-80 per cent of direct greenhouse-gas emissions at a mine site, depending on the site geography and commodity being mined. ICMM’s ICSV initiative is working to change this by accelerating the introduction of zero-emission mining vehicles as soon as possible.
- The safe operation of mine transport and mobile equipment is also fundamental. Accidents accounted for almost a third of fatalities at ICMM operated mines in 2021, the highest cause of fatalities at company member operations. Safe working conditions are a fundamental human right and ICMM members are determined to eliminate collision related fatalities in mining operations.
- This initiative is of benefit to the entire mining industry and is open to all OEMs and technology suppliers who would like to join. If you are a mining equipment manufacturer with a solution we want to hear from you.
Our Priorities
Introduce Greenhouse Gas Emission-Free Surface Mining Vehicles by 2040
There are around 28,000 large mine hauling trucks in operation — collectively emitting over 69 million tonnes of CO2 (Scope 1, an additional 15Mt CO2 for Scope 3), based on 25 billion litres of diesel fuel. Electric and hydrogen fuelled trucks offer alternatives to more traditional diesel-powered transportation, and ICMM is working alongside OEMs to promote operational and technological innovation that will enable mining operations to adopt GHG-free surface mining vehicles by 2040. We are doing this by increasing the operational readiness of mine sites to be able to adopt zero-emission solutions at a faster pace, including the enabling infrastructure, capacity building and clean energy procurement.
To help companies start a conversation on how to progress action on promoting operational and technological innovations, a Maturity Framework has been developed to determine an operation’s current and future desired status. These matrials are supported by a knowledge hub with industry case studies and other technical documents that show what good looks like.
Minimise the Operational Impact of Diesel Exhaust by 2025
ICMM members commit to continually improve health and safety. Through the ICSV initiative, members are working in partnership with OEMs to promote operational and technical innovations to minimise the negative impacts of diesel particulate matter in underground mining operations by 2025. To help companies start a conversation on how to progress action on vehicle interaction, a Maturity Framework has been developed by ICMM, with the collaboration of OEMs and other technology providers involved.
To help companies start a conversation on how to progress action on promoting operational and technological innovations, a Maturity Framework has been developed to determine an operation’s current and future desired status. These matrials are supported by a knowledge hub with industry case studies and other technical documents that show what good looks like.
Make Vehicle Collision Avoidance Technology Available to Mining Companies by 2025
In safety, one size doesn't fit all – safe ways of working are built shift by shift, day by day and over time. ICMM members commit to continually improve health and safety performance. This requires leadership, investment and an unwavering commitment to the goal of zero fatalities. As part of ICMM’s collaborative ICSV initiative, members are working in partnership with OEMs to promote collision avoidance technology capable of eliminating fatalities from vehicle interactions to be available to mining companies by 2025. However, technology is not a silver bullet to eliminate collisions, operating discipline is a prerequisite.
To help companies start a conversation on how to progress action on promoting operational and technological innovations, a Maturity Framework has been developed to determine an operation’s current and future desired status. These matrials are supported by a knowledge hub with industry case studies and other technical documents that show what good looks like.
Strategic Partners
ICSV initiative
The ICSV initiative launched in October 2018, creating a critical mass in terms of market pull. The OEMs and technology providers currently involved in the initiative include: Caterpillar • Cummins • Epiroc • Hexagon Mining • Hitachi Construction Machinery • Komatsu Ltd • Liebherr • Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology.
ICMM's partnership with CharIN e.V. focuses on accelerating charging interoperability, as an innovation catalyst by supporting collaboration between ICMM members, OEMs, and solution providers. Find out more.
The Earth Moving Equipment Safety Round Table (EMESRT) is a global initiative of major mining companies and OEMs who are working to enhance equipment design for safety and operability. Their vision is a mining industry without fatalities, injuries, and illnesses related to earth moving equipment operation. Find out more.