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Conformance Protocols: Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management

6 May 2021

In August 2020, ICMM, UNEP and PRI launched the Global Industry Standard for Tailings Management (the Standard). At the point of launch, ICMM members committed that all facilities with ‘extreme’ or ‘very high’ potential consequences will be in conformance with the Standard by August 2023, and all other facilities by August 2025.


  • The conformance protocols help operators and independent third parties assess implementation of the Standard’s requirements, and ultimately to demonstrate conformance. They map to the Standard’s 77 requirements using 219 clear and concise criteria. Effective assessment of conformance to the Standard through ICMM’s conformance protocols will help to demonstrate to all stakeholders that responsible practices are being applied across the tailings lifecycle.
  • This document will help operators and independent third parties assess implementation of the Standard’s requirements across tailings facilities, and ultimately to demonstrate conformance.
  • They map to the Standard’s 77 requirements using 219 clear and concise criteria. The primary audience is ICMM members and the qualified independent consultants they engage with to assess conformance with the Standard. However, it is a tool for all operators and is accessible on our website. for the benefit of the wider industry.
  • ICMM members have committed to demonstrating conformance based on self-assessments at a minimum, by the agreed deadlines. However, members should contract with auditors to undertake third-party validation as soon as reasonably practicable to confirm the assertions made in self-assessments.