04 – Risk Management
ICMM company members commit to implement effective risk-management strategies and systems based on sound science, and which account for stakeholder perceptions of risk.
ICMM members work to prevent or mitigate the potential impact of mining on the wellbeing of society and the environment. This includes assessing the risk and opportunities of new projects (or expansions), undertaking due diligence in conflict-affected areas and implementing risk-based controls to address impacts.
Performance Expectations
Developed with extensive input from non-governmental organisations (NGOs), international organisations and academics, our Mining Principles establish baseline performance expectations for a responsible mining and metals industry. ICMM's Mining Principles include four Performance Expectations under Principle 4: Risk Management.
4.1 – Assess Environmental and Social Risks
Assess environmental and social risks and opportunities of new projects and of significant changes to existing operations in consultation with interested and affected stakeholders, and publicly disclose assessment results.[1]
4.2 – Apply Due-Diligence in Conflict-Affected or High-Risk Areas
Undertake risk-based due diligence on conflict and human rights that aligns with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance on Conflict-Affected and High Risk Areas, when operating in, or sourcing from, a conflict-affected or high risk area.
4.3 – Systematically Manage Health, Safety and Environmental Risks
Implement risk-based controls to avoid/prevent, minimise, mitigate and/or remedy physical and psychological health, safety and environmental impacts to workers, local communities, cultural heritage and the natural environment, based upon a recognised international standard or management system.
4.4 – Carry Out Emergency Response Planning
Develop, maintain and test emergency response plans. Where risks to external stakeholders are significant, this should be in collaboration with potentially affected stakeholders and consistent with established industry good practice.
Supporting Global Goals
As momentum behind the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) continues to grow, there is mounting pressure on the private sector to support the delivery of a wide variety of development objectives. ICMM’s Mining Principles can support the mining and metals industry in addressing climate change, ending poverty and tackling rising inequalities.
Each SDG connects with or can be directly influenced by ICMM’s Mining Principles. Unlike many other sectors, there is no primary point of connection between mining and a single SDG. Instead, operations have the extraordinary potential to contribute to several goals at once. The contribution mining products to almost every aspect of life is arguably becoming more important than ever – with metals and minerals enabling the innovations needed to deliver pathways to a greener, safer and more sustainable future.
1. These should cover issues such as air, water, biodiversity, noise and vibration, health, safety, human rights, gender, cultural heritage and economic issues. The consultation process should be gender sensitive and inclusive of marginalised and vulnerable groups.