Health and Safety Performance Indicators: Guidance
This document contains the recommended definitions and reporting boundaries for lagging health and safety performance indicators to be used by ICMM member companies for the purposes of benchmarking activities.
This guidance addresses whether or not injuries and diseases are occupational in nature, and how they should be recorded for ICMM benchmarking purposes.
The guidance follows these general principles:
Occupational injuries and diseases that occur in on-site locations are included.
Occupational injuries and diseases that occur off-site while the worker is performing a work-related activity that is in scope as recordable are included.
All employees and contractors are included.
Occupational injuries or diseases are recordable for all workers for whom exposure hours are recorded (or can be estimated).
‘Off the job’ injuries or diseases are not included.
The principle of ‘recordable outcome’ is applied in all cases to determine whether an incident that results in an injury or fatality should be recordable.