Scope 3 Emissions Accounting and Reporting Guidance
1 September 2023
Accounting and reporting the Scope 3 emissions of any company is inherently complex.
- This Guidance provides a standardised framework for mining and metals companies to calculate and disclose their value chain emissions to improve transparency and accelerate collaborative action to reduce these emissions.
- Facilitates year-on-year comparisons to support companies in identifying and explaining emission ‘hotspots’ specific to their value chains, with the aim that actions can be determined to reduce them in the future.
- Provides mining and metals companies with a consistent approach to calculate and report Scope 3 emissions externally — Maintain alignment with mandatory and voluntary reporting requirements and standards to ensure compliance.
- Supports individual companies to explain changes in their Scope 3 GHG emissions over time, per category and within their unique value chain context
- Supports the ability to prioritise action across identified emission hotspots for meaningful action around emissions reductions
- Takes the five principles outlined by the GHG Protocol (Relevance, Completeness, Transparency, Accuracy and Consistency) and applies them to mining and metals specific contexts to enable a consistent approach in annual emissions reporting.
- Outlines four additional dimensions for metals and mining companies to address (materiality, boundary definition, data improvement, and calculation methodologies) to help calculate Scope 3 emissions.
- Provides recommendations for communicating category exclusions to help stakeholders understand the current limitations around best available data
- Provides instruction on how to apply the concepts and principles at the category-level for all 15 categories of the Scope 3 Standard, allowing companies to consistently account and report on a category-by-category basis